About Hp.GAME
This is a non-profit (100% free) innovative web-based software and global database dedicated to analyzing H. pylori and other helicobacter species' genome sequences, that also provide an opportunity for phage researchers who want to share their Helicobacter phage genome sequence.
What makes Hp.GAMES becomes important?
Many genome analysis software currently needs advanced bioinformatics knowledge and special programming language to run. This condition makes genome analysis become difficult for general students, academicians, clinicians, or researchers.
The Hp.GAMES software will tackle all those issues easily! The users just need to sign in > upload the suitable sequence file > choose the software tools > and click run to get the results!
In addition, while genome sequence databases generally can be obtained from several resources, these sequences are often not followed by antibiogram (MIC or resistance status) data as well as clinical patient profile (diagnosis and disease severity) data even tough this data is important.
The Hp.GAMES database will provide all of this data for free! The global user can share their sequence, antibiogram, and clinical patient profile data here and use it either as private or publicly available!